After a review petition is dismissed or used one can ask the court to review and revise the decision given by them. This is called a curative petition. The courts have been very vigilant in the use of such a petition . curative petition A curative petition shall be filed after the dismissal of the review plea against the final conviction. It is meant to secure that there is no gross miscarriage of justice, and to prevent the abuse of process. A curative petition is habitually decided by the judges in chamber unless there is an explicit request for an open-court hearing is permitted. A curative petition is the last and the final constitutional resort available for any redressal of grievances in court after a review petition has been exhausted and dismissed. Every curative petition is intended based on the principles laid down by the Supreme Court in the landmark case of Rupa Ashok Hurra Vs Ashok Hurra and anothers, (2002). In this case the issue was of...